Sunday, January 4, 2009

Animal Hospital- Fullerton, California (Night One)

Last year, myself and two friends investigated (Name Withheld) Animal Hospital in Fullerton. We experienced nothing outright, except a few random noises, but we received several EVPs, and one camera moved by itself. All EVP editing credit goes to Delena Bean. Video credit to Melissa Latchford.

Go Away
At the end of this clip, you can hear "go away." This was our first EVP taken within the first fifteen minutes we were there, and we played it back immediately. This whispered voice is completely different from some of the others we heard.

Dog Shriek 1
In the beginning of this clip (around 7-9 seconds into it) you hear a squeak that sounds much like a dog when it's hurt. We didn't hear anything like this with our ears.

Dog Shriek 2
At the end of the clip you can hear another sound that sounds very much like a dog shriek or squeak. Again, we did not hear anything with our naked ears.